Because THATCamp is an unconference, the agenda will be decided during the first session of the first day. Read more about how unconferences in general and THATCamp in particular work at THATCamp 101 and our “About” page.
.Users can register on UL WiFi as a guest. Once you have connected your device to UL WiFi, you will need to open a web browser and choose guest registration using either a phone numbers or Facebook.
2 ) WEBSITE: You can access our website at (schedule, traveling information)
3 ) Twitter Hashtag = #thatcampULL
4 ) Lunch: (not provided)
The UL Student union has four restaurants and a coffee shop located on the first floor, as well as the Cypress Lake Dining Hall located on the second floor. Moreover, on Rex St. in between St. Mary St. and Lewis St., there is a cafeteria with a Chik-Fil-A, Pizza Hut, and Sushi. Please feel free to ask any THAT Camp volunteers questions, or to inquire further regarding directions.
You are cordially invited to our reception, Wednesday March 4, from 6:30 to 8:00pm. The reception is hosted at the Hilliard Museum (on Saint Mary Street, See Map). Drinks and food will be provided. You will also have access to the Hilliard Museum.
6 ) WHO WE ARE: The THATCamp committee is composed of, Dr Elizabeth Skilton, Dr. Thomas Cauvin, Dr. Randy Gonzales, Mary Churay, Kirsten Rucker, Christian Fontenot, Adam Foreman, Jared Peloquin.
7 ) Do not Forget: the Louisiana Historical Association annual conference (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) at Ramada Lafayette Conference Center.
-DAY 1
REGISTRATION / COFFEE: 8:30-9:00AM (In front of Forum: 1st Floor, Student Union)
Sessions I 10:00-11:00
Break (Coffee) 11:00-11:15
Sessions II 11:15-12:15
Lunch Break 12:15-13:45
Sessions III 13:45-14:45
Sessions IV 14:45-15:45
Break 15:45-16:00
Dork Shorts Session 16:00-17:00
Reception (Hilliard Museum, St Mary, See Map) 1800-2000
-DAY 2
REGISTRATION / COFFEE: 8:30-9:00AM (In front of Forum: 1st Floor, Student Union)
WORKSHOPS I 9:30-10:15
WORKSHOPS II 10:15-11:00
Break 11:00-11:15
WORKSHOPS III 11:15-12:00
Conclusion 12:00-12:30
Schedule Link
Day Two Calendar