Digital Publishing

Randy Gonzales (ULL) and myself propose a session on online publishing covering both content creation and distribution. The content portion would cover tools and techniques for creating and publishing digital humanities projects on the web. I oversee journal publishing (peer-review) and the digital library at Tulane and can speak to some of the models used in open access publishing and ways to build a strong and lasting foundation for new journals and DH collections.

If others are interested in adding to the discussion or covering certain topics, please post a reply.

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About Jeff Rubin

Jeff Rubin is the Senior Digital Initiatives and Publishing Coordinator at Howard-Tilton Memorial Library at Tulane University. He oversees the Tulane University Digital Library, Tulane Journal Publishing, and Electronic Theses and Dissertations programs as part of the Tulane University Digital Repository. Jeff is actively involved with the Louisiana Digital Consortium/Louisiana Digital Library, the Library Publishing Coalition and the Digital Preservation Network. Over the last fifteen years, Jeff has worked on numerous collaborative digital projects with regional, national and international partners. His work at Tulane focuses on developing new digital library projects with collaborators from across Tulane’s campuses and in building Tulane’s open access publishing unit.

1 Response to Digital Publishing

  1. Thank you for your proposal. I think many of us will add to your examples. Great topic.

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